Indian Railways is set to expand the Amrit Bharat Express services, which offer affordable, non-air-conditioned travel with a shorter travel time, similar to the Vande Bharat Express. Following the success of the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Amrit Bharat Express launched in July 2023, plans are underway to introduce these trains on key routes connecting Pune to various prominent cities in India.
The Pune railway administration has started redeveloping 20 stations under the ‘Amrit Bharat Scheme’ and is working on new coaches modeled after Vande Bharat Express designs. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw confirmed that redevelopment and coach manufacturing projects are in their final stages, focusing on affordable travel for commuters, especially between Pune and North India.
Amrit Bharat Express ticket fares are expected to be on par with the cost of sleeping accommodations in other trains, offering passengers a budget-friendly alternative. Planned routes include trains from Pune to Danapur, Chhapra, Muzaffarpur, and Puri.