In an announcement on Republic Day, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that Dibrugarh will become the state’s second capital. This significant move is aimed at decongesting the state’s primary capital, Guwahati and decentralising administrative power to better serve the people of Assam, especially in the eastern regions.
The decision comes as part of Assam’s ongoing efforts to promote balanced development across the state. With Dibrugarh now set to play a central role, it is expected to emerge as a key economic and administrative hub. The city is already a vital centre for tea production. It has seen rapid infrastructural growth, making it an ideal candidate for the new capital designation.
This shift to a dual capital model is also seen as a strategic move to ensure better governance in Assam’s far-flung regions, bringing administration closer to people and fostering regional development. Local leaders have welcomed the announcement, which is seen as a long-awaited step toward achieving more inclusive growth across the state.
The decision will bring substantial economic and infrastructural opportunities to Dibrugarh. The city has a growing influence in the state’s economic activities, particularly in the oil and gas sectors. This move is expected to create new avenues for employment and investment, benefiting the people of Assam in the long run.