Andhra Pradesh has launched the ‘Mana Mitra’ service, a WhatsApp-based platform that allows citizens to access over 161 essential government services with just a message. Gone are the days of standing in long queues or getting lost in paperwork. Now, you can apply for certificates, access relief funds, and much more – all at your fingertips.
But the best part? The service is just getting started. In the next phase, more than 500 services will be available, making it even easier for citizens, whether in cities or remote villages, to get the help they need – without stepping into a government office.
How does it work? It’s simple. All you need is a phone and WhatsApp. Send a message to 95523 00009, and you’ll have access to a range of services right on your screen. No complex steps, just a quick message to get started.
The government has teamed up with Meta India to make sure this service is not only secure but also user-friendly. One standout feature of ‘Mana Mitra’ is its focus on transparency. For instance, certificates issued through this platform come with a QR code, which you can scan to verify their authenticity. This ensures you’re always receiving genuine documents – making it easier to avoid fraud.
The future looks even brighter. Andhra Pradesh is planning to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology to make the service even smarter and more secure. Imagine being able to track your request or get real-time updates – all without leaving your home.
For the people of Andhra Pradesh, ‘Mana Mitra’ isn’t just another government service; it’s a shift in how we access services. It cuts through the red tape, reduces the need for office visits, and ensures services are delivered faster, more efficiently, and with greater transparency.
This is just the beginning. The government is committed to continuously improving the platform and bringing more services to the people. ‘Mana Mitra’ is not just about convenience; it’s a step toward a smarter, more accessible governance for everyone.