Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has returned to his Bandra residence after being discharged from Lilavati Hospital, six days following a shocking stabbing incident at his home. The actor, who was admitted to the hospital for treatment, was seen arriving at his Bandra residence earlier today, greeted by family members, including his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, who had been by his side throughout the ordeal.
The incident, which took place last week, sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with fans and colleagues alike expressing concern over Saif’s wellbeing. According to hospital sources, the actor received medical attention promptly and is said to be in stable condition. Doctors have advised a period of rest as he continues to recover from the physical and emotional impact of the traumatic event.
In a brief statement, the family thanked well-wishers for their support and prayers during this difficult time. “Saif is on the road to recovery, and we appreciate the overwhelming love and concern shown by fans and the media. We kindly ask for privacy as Saif focuses on healing,” the statement read.
Saif’s return home marks a positive step in his recovery, and fans are relieved to see the actor back with his family. The details surrounding the attack remain under investigation, and authorities are working to bring clarity to the situation.
Saif’s recent return to the public eye is expected to be closely followed as he takes time to recover from the traumatic incident. His fans and the film industry continue to wish him a speedy and complete recovery.