Maharashtra has made history by becoming the first state in India to launch mobile forensic vans, a major step towards modernizing crime detection and evidence collection. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis inaugurated 21 fully equipped vans at the Sahyadri Guest House in Mumbai, with plans to deploy a total of 259 vans across the state.
These mobile forensic vans are designed to collect critical evidence, such as blood and DNA samples, from crime scenes. They will primarily be used for serious cases like rape and murder, enabling faster and more accurate investigations. The vans are equipped with advanced tools to speed up the evidence collection process.
In his address, Fadnavis emphasized the importance of forensic evidence in solving crimes, stating, “These vans will collect evidence directly from crime scenes, reducing delays and improving the accuracy of investigations.” He also highlighted the use of blockchain technology to secure evidence and prevent tampering.
Key Features of the Mobile Forensic Vans:
Each van is fitted with state-of-the-art forensic kits to collect biological samples, such as blood and DNA, as well as handle evidence related to explosives and cybercrimes. The evidence will be uploaded to a crime scene application, where it will be tagged with a barcode. This ensures the integrity of the evidence and increases transparency in the investigation process.
The vans will be staffed with scientific experts and police officers, and CCTV cameras will monitor the entire evidence collection process to prevent tampering and ensure proper documentation.
Aiming for Greater Conviction Rates
Under the Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), forensic evidence is now mandatory for serious crimes, and the mobile vans are expected to improve conviction rates and prevent criminals from escaping justice. This initiative is part of a larger effort to modernize Maharashtra’s criminal justice system and make the state safer.
A Step Forward for the Nation
The launch of these mobile forensic vans marks a significant milestone for crime detection in Maharashtra, and it serves as an example for other states to follow. The first 21 vans are now operational, with a plan to expand the fleet to 259 vans across the state.
This initiative promises to enhance the speed and efficiency of crime investigations, making Maharashtra a leader in the use of technology for law enforcement.