Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has enlisted the services of Ronit Roy’s security agency following a recent knife attack incident. Known for its high-profile clientele, the agency has previously managed the security needs of Bollywood legends like Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, and Aamir Khan. The decision to bolster security was taken in the wake of increasing concerns for Khan’s safety, prompting his family to seek professional protection. Ronit Roy’s agency, renowned for its discreet and efficient handling of celebrity security, is already operational in safeguarding Khan. This move underscores the growing importance of robust security measures for public figures in India.
The attack on Khan, which involved an individual brandishing a knife, has led to heightened scrutiny over celebrity security in the country. Ronit Roy’s firm is expected to provide comprehensive protection, ensuring that the actor and his family can continue their routines without undue concern. The collaboration between Khan and Roy’s agency is seen as a testament to the latter’s reputation for delivering reliable and high-end security solutions.
Ronit Roy’s Security Agency
Ronit Roy’s security agency, Ace Security and Protection, has carved a niche in providing top-tier security services to some of India’s most prominent celebrities. Established by the actor-turned-entrepreneur, the firm is known for its meticulous approach to client safety, employing a team of well-trained professionals adept at handling a range of security challenges. Whether it’s event security, personal protection, or residential surveillance, Ace Security ensures that its clients’ privacy and safety are uncompromised. The firm’s client list, which includes Bollywood superstars and influential figures, speaks volumes about its trusted and reliable services in the high-stakes world of celebrity security.