“Sky Force” is a gripping war drama that brings the bravery of the Indian Air Force to the big screen. Starring Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, and Nimrat Kaur, the film is set against the 1965 Indo-Pak war, focusing on the heroic airstrike on Sargodha Airbase. Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, the movie is a powerful tribute to real-life war heroes.
The film follows Wing Commander Kumar Om Ahuja (Akshay Kumar) and Squadron Leader T. Krishna Vijaya (Veer Pahariya) in a thrilling tale of aerial warfare, sacrifice, and national pride. While the narrative is engaging, the screenplay falters slightly in pacing, but emotional depth and patriotism keep it strong. The action sequences and aerial combat scenes are a visual treat, keeping viewers at the edge of their seats.
Akshay Kumar delivers a solid performance, portraying a determined and disciplined air force officer. His screen presence remains undeniably strong.Veer Pahariya makes an impressive debut, showing promise with his intense portrayal of a young and daring pilot.Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur play their roles well, adding emotional weight to the film, though their screen time is limited. The cinematography beautifully captures the intensity of aerial dogfights and war landscapes. The VFX and action sequences are well executed. The background score heightens the patriotic feel, though the songs are forgettable.
Critics have given mixed-to-positive reviews, with many praising the film’s patriotic tone, action, and performances, while pointing out predictable storytelling. However, audiences, especially fans of war dramas, have loved the film, calling it a comeback for Akshay Kumar.The movie has had a strong start, collecting around ₹11.25 crore on its opening day, making it one of Akshay Kumar’s better openings in recent times.
Final Verdict
“Sky Force” is a thrilling and patriotic war film that successfully delivers high-octane action and emotional moments. While the screenplay could have been tighter, the performances and visuals make it a must-watch for fans of military dramas.
Our Rating: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ (3/5)
Critics’ Average Rating: 3.5/5
Audience Rating: 4.2/5