A tragic stampede took place at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj on the sacred occasion of Mouni Amavasya, leaving several devotees injured and some reportedly dead. According to initial reports, at least fifteen people have lost their lives in the chaos. Authorities are working swiftly to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured, who have been admitted to the central hospital set up in Maha Kumbh Nagar.
Preliminary information and available video footage suggest that the incident occurred around 1 AM on Wednesday. The stampede broke out at Sangam Ghat before the ritual Amrit Snan. It is believed to have started around pillar numbers 11 and 17 of the Sangam area. Reports indicate that devotees were reluctant to follow the designated diversions and insisted on performing their holy dip at the main Sangam, leading to overcrowding and an eventual stampede.
Women and children were particularly vulnerable in the chaos. Unofficial sources suggest that between fifteen and seventeen people lost their lives, though the exact toll has not been officially confirmed. Additionally, reports indicate that more than fifty people sustained injuries. The injured were rushed to the central hospital in Maha Kumbh Nagar via ambulances and motorcycles.
It is estimated that between 100 to 150 million devotees could attend the Maha Kumbh Mela on Mouni Amavasya alone. Managing such an enormous crowd while maintaining order is a monumental challenge for both organisers and the government. The Uttar Pradesh government had imposed traffic restrictions and implemented several crowd-control measures across different sectors. However, despite these efforts, this unfortunate stampede occurred due to overwhelming crowds.
After a stampede at the confluence site, the holy Amrit Snan was temporarily suspended. Authorities consulted Mahant Ravindra Puri, President of the Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad, who approved the suspension. All saints returned to their camps, though many expressed hope for the Mauni Amavasya Snan. Contradictory statements from devotees present at the site are circulating on TV and the internet, suggesting the death toll might be higher. Official confirmation is awaited for accurate details.
Further details are awaited. Authorities have urged devotees to remain calm and avoid spreading or believing in rumours during this difficult time.