Yashveer Prakash, son of renowned ghazal and bhajan artists Vivek and Roli Prakash, has launched a new ghazal titled “Acha Lagta Hai.” The track, released by Red Ribbon Music Company, features vocals by Anup Jalota and Yashveer. The music video, directed by Vivek Prakash, complements the composition with its visually appealing presentation.
Yashveer is the son of music composer Vivek Prakash and singer Roli Prakash. The song was released with blessing by Sadgurushree
The ghazal combines lyrics by Ikram Rajasthani with music designed by Vivek Prakash, blending traditional elements with a modern twist. Yashveer, who has previously worked in various music genres such as rap, rock, jazz, and indie pop, returns to his roots with this latest release.
At the launch event, notable attendees included Padma Shri Dr. Soma Ghosh, poet Narayan Agrawal, producer-director Dheeraj Kumar, and Red Ribbon’s Director Lalitya Munshaw, who all extended their congratulations to Yashveer. They commended his ability to merge traditional and contemporary music styles.
“Acha Lagta Hai” marks another step in Yashveer’s evolving musical career, highlighting his versatility and deep connection to the ghazal genre.