Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently recovering after being attacked with a knife by an intruder at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. The incident, which appears to be a robbery attempt, left Khan with multiple injuries, leading to his hospitalisation. His wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their children, Taimur and Jeh, are safe. Saif remains under medical observation following surgery. Saif and Kareena, along with their sons Taimur and Jeh, live in a building named Satguru Sharan in Bandra West.
Saif was reportedly stabbed six times by the burglar using a sharp knife, with two of his wounds believed to be deep. This was confirmed by a doctor at Lilavati Hospital, who is caring for Saif. Here is what we know about the incident:
- Time of Incident: The attack occurred during the early hours of Thursday, 16 January 2025. An intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s house in Bandra, Mumbai.
- Nature of the Attack: The assailant, armed with a sharp weapon, attacked Khan multiple times before being subdued by security personnel. It is believed that the intruder’s motive was robbery.
- Immediate Response: Saif was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital. His son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, and a house help ensured that the actor received medical attention promptly. The medical team has confirmed that his injuries, although serious, are not life-threatening, and he is now in stable condition. Ibrahim, Saif’s son from his first wife, Amrita Singh, does not live with him but rushed to his home upon learning about the incident.
- Family and Support: During the incident, Kareena ensured the safety of their children, Taimur and Jeh. She later issued a statement expressing relief that the family is unharmed and grateful for the support they have received.
- Police Investigation: The Mumbai Police have launched an investigation into the robbery attempt and assault. An individual has been taken into custody for questioning. Authorities are reviewing security footage and speaking with witnesses to gather more information about the assailant and the sequence of events.
- Medical Updates: Doctors treating Saif Ali Khan have indicated that he will need time to recover but are optimistic about his health. They have also recommended rest and continuous monitoring.
- Kareena Kapoor’s Team’s Statement: In a statement, Kareena’s team said, “There was an attempted burglary in Saif Ali Khan and (his wife and actor) Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which he is in the hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine.”
“We request the media and fans to be patient and not speculate any further as the police are already doing their due investigations. Thank you all for your concern,” the statement further said.
- Saif Ali Khan’s public relations representative’s statement: “He is currently in hospital undergoing surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter. We will keep you updated on the situation,” the representative said.