The much-anticipated crime-thriller ‘Swipe’Crime‘ premiered in Delhi to widespread acclaim. Produced by Harsh Mainra, Prashant Shinde, and Jyoti Chauhan under Versatile Motion Pictures, the series has become a major hit on Amazon MX Player.
With 2.1 million views in its initial days and over 8 million total views, ‘Swipe Crime‘ has consistently ranked in the top 10 OTT charts for three weeks. The series follows college students who uncover a dating app scam on their campus, leading to a gripping battle against cybercrime.
Featuring Rishab Chadha, Arun Choudhary, Hardik Thakkar, Nihal Nischal, Ronit Ashra, and Faizal Malik, the show resonates with audiences for its suspense and relevance in the digital age. The Delhi premiere was attended by notable personalities like RJ Kisna, Yuvraj Dua, Rishabh Shukla, and Parmish Verma.
With its massive success, ‘Swipe Crime‘ has sparked excitement for a second season, solidifying its place as a game-changer in the crime-thriller genre.