In a landmark achievement for Indian women’s cricket, Smriti Mandhana scripted history by scoring the fastest ODI hundred by an Indian woman. In the third ODI against Ireland, Mandhana reached her century in just 57 balls, surpassing her own previous record and setting a new benchmark for Indian women in cricket.
Mandhana’s stellar innings propelled India to a commanding total of 435 for 5. Another player, Pratika Rawal, also contributed a solid 154 runs. The Indian team’s performance showcased their dominance, breaking several records in the process.
This historic feat has placed Mandhana among the top echelons of cricket. Not just women but even fewer Indian male cricketers have achieved such a milestone in ODI cricket. Her performance is being lauded across the cricketing world, further cementing her status as one of the most formidable players in the game.