For the first time in history, the city of Pune will host the prestigious Army Day Parade on January 15, 2025. Organized by the Southern Command, this momentous occasion will take place at the BEG Centre in Kadki, showcasing the modern and evolving capabilities of the Indian Army.
As a precursor to the parade, the ‘Know Your Army Mela 2025’ was held at the Royal Western India Turf Club (RWITC) from January 3 to January 5, allowing citizens to engage with the army and learn about its multifaceted operations and services.
The Army Day Parade in Pune is set to be a grand spectacle, marking a significant chapter in India’s military history. The event will feature a range of diverse and modern contingents, each symbolizing various facets of the Indian Army. A key highlight of the parade will be the Women Agniveer Contingent from the Corps of Military Police. This contingent signifies the increasing role and empowerment of women within the Indian Armed Forces, marking a historic moment for the military.
In addition, the Army Service Corps Horse Contingent will present a traditional yet dynamic display of military service, embodying the ethos of “Service Before Self.” Other notable contingents will include the Maratha Regimental Centre from Belgaum, the Artillery Centre from Nashik, the Army Ordnance Regimental Centre from Secunderabad, and the Mechanised Infantry Regimental Centre from Ahilya Nagar. The parade will also feature contingents from the Madras Regimental Centre in Wellington and the BEG Centre in Khadki, further enriching the diversity and unity of the Indian Army.
This year’s Army Day Parade is set to be a fitting tribute to India’s military strength, technological advancements, and the invaluable contributions of its armed forces. The event reflects the evolving nature of the Indian Army while strengthening the bond between the military and the nation’s citizens.