Shah Rukh Khan’s home, Mannat, is a popular landmark in Mumbai, and his Kal Ho Naa Ho co-star Delnaaz Irani couldn’t be happier that she now has her own Mannat. The actress will soon be seen in the role of Harneet in Mannat, which will air on Colors starting January 6.

When asked how she reacted to the name of the show, she said, “The first thing I was reminded of was Shah Rukh’s house. I manifested my own Mannat.”

Having worked in the industry for over three decades, Delnaaz shared that she looks for a good script and role, but there are other factors involved when deciding to do a show. “I have clearly and consciously told myself that at this stage of my life, I want to do work that makes me happy. Whether it’s the people around me, the location, the script, or creative satisfaction—something that is worth stepping out of my house and my comfort zone,” she said.

“With the kind of life we’re leading, there are a thousand ways to stay relevant today, especially with social media, and you can make money there as well, sitting comfortably at home. And I’ve been very active with that. So I really don’t feel the need to step out and waste three hours traveling unless the character is strong and impactful,” she added.

She revealed that she has turned down several shows because they were being shot in far-off locations. But with Mannat, everything fell into place. She even calls herself the sugar and spice of the show.

“Mannat is being shot at a nearby studio, which is not very far from home. And for the character, they said, ‘We want an older version of Sweetu; we want you to be you.’ So I would call myself the sugar and spice of the show,” she said.

“Also, I really wanted to work with Mukta Dhond. I’ve been watching her shows in the past, and they are really good. So when I got a call for this, I wanted to make it work, and everything just smoothly fell into place,” Delnaaz concluded.

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