Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Prayagraj on 5 February, spending five hours in the city. He will take a dip at Sangam, inspect state pavilions in Sector 6, and visit Netra Kumbh. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will receive him at the airport.

In a distressing incident at Mirzapur railway station, an elderly devotee was allegedly kicked off a moving train while trying to board the Kamakhya Express. His family intervened, preventing a fatal accident. Angry devotees clashed with security personnel, and police forcibly cleared the platform. A video of the incident has since gone viral, highlighting the challenges faced by pilgrims during this period.

Contrary to viral social media claims, there is no complete vehicle ban in Prayagraj until 4 February. Officials clarified that the diversion scheme was only for Mauni Amavasya and has since been lifted. However, restrictions will be reinstated for Vasant Panchami on 2-3 February. Further updates on vehicle entry rules will be issued by fair authorities.

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