On Thursday, 23 January 2025, Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah inaugurated 37 development projects worth ₹651 crore in Ahmedabad. Shah inaugurated 10 projects worth ₹95 crore and laid the foundation for 27 projects worth ₹556 crore across the Ahmedabad East, Ahmedabad West, and Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituencies.
A New Era for Ranip and Surrounding Areas
Shah highlighted that the projects would address long-standing issues in Ranip and nearby areas. He assured that the drainage and development works for the Chandrabhaga Canal would permanently resolve many local problems. He also announced plans for an amusement park for children in an area previously plagued by mosquito breeding. The projects will enhance connectivity between Ranip, New Ranip, and Chenpur, helping accelerate urban development in the region.
Shah recalled the challenges faced in his early tenure as an MLA, particularly the issue of salty water, and pointed out the improvement with Narmada water supply reaching Gandhinagar and Vejalpur today. The Union Home Minister announced the launch of rainwater drainage projects in over 350 societies in a single day, funded by the State Government with support from MP and MLA funds, requiring only residents’ consent. He also urged citizens to adopt percolation wells for water conservation and solar rooftops for energy generation.
Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Cabinet Minister Rushikesh Patel, and Minister of State Jagdish Vishwakarma were also present at the event. The CM highlighted the successful launch and foundation-laying of innovative projects enhancing ‘Ease of Living’ and citizen welfare, balancing Ahmedabad’s heritage preservation with its growth as a modern urban hub.
Patel mentioned that urban development in Gujarat is being prioritised with a budget of ₹21,696 crore, emphasising a forward-thinking approach to urbanisation. He also referred to the Prime Minister’s efforts in promoting cleanliness, citing campaigns like the ‘Green Swachh Society League’ by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC).
The projects inaugurated by Shah included the D-Cabin LC 241 and Chenpur LC2 underpasses, co-developed by AMC and the Railways. He also laid the foundation for percolating wells in Ranip and an RCC box drain construction project from Prabodh Raval Bridge to Kali Garnala.
Shah launched symbolic milk distribution as part of the ‘Doodh Sanjeevani Yojana’, aimed at improving child nutrition. This initiative ensures children in Anganwadis and schools receive nutritious meals. Additionally, AMC launched durable cloth bags to reduce plastic usage.
Shah also oversaw the distribution of 83 housing units and 12 shops under the slum rehabilitation policy. Symbolic keys were handed over to beneficiaries during the ceremony. The program, held at Sardar Chowk in Ranip, was attended by Ahmedabad Mayor Pratibha Jain, MPs Hasmukh Patel and Narhari Amin, former Home Minister Rajnibhai Patel, MLAs, municipal commissioners, and local councillors.