Goa is set to host the 2025 edition of Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM), India’s largest international theatre festival, which will run from 29 January to 1 February. This 20-day festival will feature plays, performances, and workshops, celebrating theatre’s diverse forms and creativity. BRM, organised by the National School of Drama (NSD), will be held at Kala Academy, Panaji, with over 200 productions from nine countries, including notable performances like Naagmandal by Girish Karnad.

Actor Rajpal Yadav has been appointed as the Festival Ambassador. The event will extend to various cities across India and internationally, including Kathmandu and Colombo, offering a unique opportunity to experience different cultures through the medium of theatre. This year’s theme, “Ek Rang, Shreshth Rang” (One Colour, Supreme Colour), aims to promote unity and excellence in the global theatre community.

With an aim to connect theatre enthusiasts globally, BRM 2025 will not only showcase renowned Indian productions but also bring global talent to the forefront. The festival continues to build on its legacy as a platform for cross-cultural exchange and creative collaboration, cementing its status as a key event in India’s cultural calendar.

As BRM 2025 unfolds, it promises to be a vibrant celebration of theatre, offering an exciting array of performances and opportunities for cultural enrichment. Theatre lovers and artists alike can look forward to an unforgettable experience.

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