Renowned actor Tiku Talsania suffered a brain stroke on Friday night. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. According to the latest reports, his condition has improved significantly, and he is now out of danger.

Sources reveal that Talsania was attending the premiere of the Gujarati film Mom Tane Nahi Samjay in Andheri, on Friday night in Mumbai, with friends, including a leading PR and theatre person, Deepak Somaiya. Apart from this, film director Dharmesh Mehta, Vijay Rawal, Pankajbhai, a friend who has come from the US, and others were also present. Recounting the incident, Somaiya said, “Before the film started, Tikubhai suddenly felt discomfort. He began sweating profusely and experienced nausea. Fortunately, he recognised the symptoms early and took an emergency pill, which helped stabilise his condition. He was immediately rushed to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital.”

Thanks to prior communication with the hospital, Talsania’s treatment could commence very quickly. As of Saturday, reports confirm that his health is on the mend, and he is under the vigilant care of a team of specialists.

Initially, it was believed that Tiku Talsania had suffered a heart attack. However, close acquaintances have clarified that he experienced a brain stroke, not a heart attack.

At 70, Tiku Talsania is a beloved figure in Hindi films and television and a cherished presence on the Gujarati stage. Despite his demanding schedule on both the small and big screens, he has always remained dedicated to Gujarati theatre.

Here is a photo of Tiku Talsania with actress Rashami Desai, taken during the film premiere yesterday. Additionally, there is a link to a video shot by Manav Manglani, capturing the moment when Tiku and Rashami greeted each other, which is available on Instagram.

Link to Manav Manglani’s video:

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