The ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led by Arvind Kejriwal, has unveiled its manifesto for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. With a strong focus on comprehensive welfare schemes and development initiatives, the manifesto promised a series of things for people of the capital. Central to the party’s manifesto is the promise of transforming governance by addressing issues faced by common citizens, especially women, youth, and senior citizens.

The manifesto includes 15 guarantees, spearheaded by the ‘Women Dignity Scheme,’ which assures ₹2,100 per month for every woman in Delhi. Kejriwal personally signed a guarantee letter affirming this commitment. The scheme is positioned as a major step toward empowering women financially and enhancing their participation in household and social activities.

AAP’s manifesto also emphasises public welfare in areas like education, healthcare, and employment, ensuring continuity of the party’s existing development agenda while introducing new schemes to address pressing issues. The party claims its guarantees will result in monthly savings of ₹25,000 for Delhi’s families, making this election manifesto a significant roadmap for urban reforms.

Key Promises:

Kejriwal announced 15 guarantees in the manifesto: 

  1. Women Dignity Scheme: ₹2,100 monthly financial assistance for women to promote their empowerment.
  2. Employment Generation: Guaranteed jobs for the youth and skill development initiatives.
  3. Free Public Transport for Women: Continuation of free bus travel for women, benefiting lakhs of commuters.
  4. Healthcare Reforms: Enhanced Mohalla Clinics and free treatment for senior citizens.
  5. Free Electricity and Water: Extension of subsidies ensuring affordable utilities for households.
  6. World-Class Education: Strengthening government schools and offering free coaching for competitive exams.
  7. Pension for Senior Citizens: Increase in pension benefits, ensuring a dignified life for the elderly.

AAP leaders, including Manish Sisodia, emphasised that these initiatives would benefit all sections of society, ensuring holistic development and welfare.

The manifesto places a strong emphasis on women’s empowerment with the introduction of the ‘Women Dignity Scheme.’ This scheme aims to alleviate financial burdens and enable women to actively contribute to their households. The initiative is designed to target women from all socio-economic backgrounds, ensuring no one is left behind. The AAP government plans to implement this scheme within days of coming to power, promising immediate relief to beneficiaries.

With its manifesto, AAP aims to solidify its reputation as a party of governance and development. Leaders have highlighted their commitment to delivering on promises, citing the success of past initiatives like free electricity, water, and improved public education. Saurabh Bharadwaj, a senior AAP leader, reiterated that the manifesto reflects the party’s vision of making Delhi a model state for equitable growth and governance.

(Image courtesy – Aam Aadmi Party website)

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