In a groundbreaking achievement, China has launched a group of satellites using its Smart Dragon-3 rocket from a ship positioned in the Yellow Sea. This maritime launch, conducted on 13 January 2025, represents a significant step forward in the nation’s space technology capabilities.

Image courtesy – Huang Yazhong – @embajadorcn_uy – Chinese Ambassador to Uruguay

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) led the mission, utilising the solid-fuelled Smart Dragon-3 rocket, which is designed for quick deployment and cost-efficient satellite launches. This rocket series is tailored to meet the increasing demand for commercial satellite services worldwide.

This mission successfully deployed several satellites, part of the CentiSpace-01 constellation, enhancing China’s satellite navigation and communication systems. The use of a sea-based launch platform offers numerous advantages, including flexible scheduling, minimised risks to populated areas, and easier access to diverse orbital inclinations.

This accomplishment underscores China’s expanding influence in the space industry and its growing competitiveness in the commercial satellite launch market. The successful launch from the sea exemplifies China’s commitment to advancing its space exploration initiatives and securing a leading role in the global space arena.

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